Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rocky Mountains' Scary Coquohalla Pass & Meeting with friends

After having a nice walk at the Kelowna Marina and city park, we headed for the famous Mission Hill Winery. The variety of wines displayed in the wine tasting and shop were very enchanting but although we did not know what lay ahead of us, we are so glad we did not try too many.
It was only half an hour that we were on the road that we found ourselvesd driving through the steep climb to Coquohalla pass. The sun vanished behind thick fog, the road here was full of accumulated snow and some ice. To add to all that it started snowing as well creating almost nil visibility. Signs on the road like " Winter Road Conditions" that we thought were not removed after the last winter, were infact permanent signs for this passage. Scary does not describe the feelings we had while going through the Coquohalla pass.

Finally negotiating our way through the heavy Vancouver traffic, we arrived in Richmond where a toast to our safe arrival was much appreciated.
A small batchmates' get together with Rustom Deshmukh, Narinder markan and their spouses at Narinder's home was a welcome event of our trip.

A day of rest today and in the evening we shall be off to Victoria from where we plan to start off on 8th May for our return trip via USA.

With fond greetings to all,
Renata & Arun

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