Monday, May 17, 2010

Crossing through Minnisota and Wisconsin

A visit to the wonderful Sioux falls was a good start of the day. Having forgotten something in the hotel room and driving back to retrieve it, did not leave much time to explore the other interesting sites in Siox Falls. The downtown area is very interesting. We had a good meal at Minerva, one of the good restaurants in the area.

Back on the road again to Minneapolis. Highlight of the day was meeting with my college batchmate Ben Wahi after 46 years . Ben and Susan gave us a warm welcome and we had a nourishing brunch at his home in Skycroft Drive.
We visited the St. paul's Cathedral and James Hill's mansion before hitting the road towards Wausau in Wisconsin.
On the road again but the scene has changed. No more endless roads from horizon to horizon with cattle, mainly angus bulls grazing here and there. Here the road is lined with trees and farm houses and some industry is seen.

Our co-travellers got a flat tire that could not be repaired due to Sunday so we had to drive within 80 kms/hrs as advised with the spare wheel. Reaching late in Day's Inn Wausau , we headed straight for the Texas Grill and had our fill of complimentary peanuts before the meal was brought.

With warm greetings,
Renata & arun

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