Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Back in Canada and to Point Pelee Park

Port Huron lighthouse was still closed for the season so we headed to the Museum. and soon found ourselves in Sarnia, Ontario back in Canadathe museum was to open at 11 a.m, the lady at the reception let us in with a courteous smile. After the museum we headed for the bridge and quickly found ourselves in Sarnia, Ontario, back in Canada.

The drive to Point Pelee was through very rural area but finally with few detours we did reach the park. The borad walk through the marshes was very interesting. A short trolly ride and a little walk brought us to the southern most tip of Canada, something we shall remember for a long time.
Driving from Point Pelee to London Ontario it seemed athat most of the truckers had decided to give us company on the road. Thus it was a slow stressful drive but we are here and tomorrow shall proceed further towards home.
Renata & Arun

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