Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Moose Jaw - Swift Current-Medicine Hat and finally to Brooks

The Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Regina is probably one of the finest in the country exhibiting the Canadian Indian culture. It is very informative for all ages. After the museum we went to the old Lt. Governor's House that has now been turned into a heritage centre exhibiting Victorian era Items. From here we headed for the RCMP Training and Heritage Site.

On the road again we passed through Moose Jaw. The name surrisingly has nothing to do with moose. here indeed we came across the biggest moose in the world.
Passing through Swift Current and Medicine Hat we reached Brooks for an overnight's stay. It is said that an 'Indian' medicine man lost his hat here while fighting with 'black foot' and so the place was named Medicine Hat.
The forecast for weather tomorrow is rather discouraging. In Calgary it is reported to be snowing with temperatures in the area of around -5 deg. We are still hoping for the best.
Renata & Arun

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