Thursday, April 29, 2010

From the Prairies to the Rockies

The weather took a very bad turn and when we got up this morning in Brooks, there was red alert warning on TV and news papers regarding snow storm and heavy winds all over the surrounding area , Calgary and the Rockies. In the gusty cold wind we drove about 50 kms to the Dinosaurs Provincial Park. The park is the largest of its type in Canada and its museum contaiins a vast variety of fossils and artifacts of dinosurs.
Since the weather was showing no signs of improvement by 1 p.m., we re-routed our drive and hit the road to Lethbridge and onwards to Cranbrook where we have now stopped for the night. The 3 hours drive throughthe Rockies was a real feast for the eyes. We sigted variety of deer, mountain sheep, bisons . Tomorrow we head towards Kelowna.
Renata & Arun

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Moose Jaw - Swift Current-Medicine Hat and finally to Brooks

The Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Regina is probably one of the finest in the country exhibiting the Canadian Indian culture. It is very informative for all ages. After the museum we went to the old Lt. Governor's House that has now been turned into a heritage centre exhibiting Victorian era Items. From here we headed for the RCMP Training and Heritage Site.

On the road again we passed through Moose Jaw. The name surrisingly has nothing to do with moose. here indeed we came across the biggest moose in the world.
Passing through Swift Current and Medicine Hat we reached Brooks for an overnight's stay. It is said that an 'Indian' medicine man lost his hat here while fighting with 'black foot' and so the place was named Medicine Hat.
The forecast for weather tomorrow is rather discouraging. In Calgary it is reported to be snowing with temperatures in the area of around -5 deg. We are still hoping for the best.
Renata & Arun

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Winnipeg to Regina

In Winnipeg near the VIA train station is a tourist area called "The Forks". We started our day here and after visiting the Manitoba Heritage information centre, we walked through the market square. Renata got moved to see Polish shop selling all the goodies. After this we spent an hour and a half in the Winnipeg Art Gallery and the headed on our way to Regina.
Driving through the double lane road to Regina can be compared to a ship navigating in an ocean. Except for some grain elevators scattered in the fileds there is almost nothing. However it is an unforgetable experience to be able to see the horizon that is so distant. We reached Regina at about 7 p.m. and now plan to have a good meal and off to sleep.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Arrived Winnipeg

The saying goes " While in Rome do as the Romans do" So as per the local tradition, in Dryden we shot the moose and in Kenora we caught the salmon (both on the camera!!).

Leaving Thunder Bay in the morning, we visited the Kekebeka Falls and then drove onto Winnipeg. The 700 kms drive through the towns of Dryden and Kenora was very interesting indeed and not too much tiring as the weather was good and the roads clear of traffic.

At the entrance to Dryden stands a huge Canadian moose and in Kenora we came across Husky the Muskie.

In Winnipeg we plan to go to the Forks- a heritage site and a park. After our visit to the Winnipeg museum and perhaps the Art Gallery we shall start off to Regina.
Renata and Arun

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thunder Bay

The drive from Marathon to Thunder bay was the most picturesque drive until now. For the most part the drive is on a road cut through the rocks with forest and lakes on both sides. We made a short stop at a ravine where we sighted a lynx. Before arriving Thunder Bay we spent a few thoughtful moments at the statue of Terry Fox. After having a quick lunch at Hoyto the Finnish restaurant we visited the Thunder Bay Museum, conservatory and the marina.
Now off to some rest to face the 700 kms to Winnipeg tomorrow.
Renata & Arun

Sault Ste Marie

Driv ing from North Bay our next stop was Sault ste Marie. Visit to the Bushplane Museum was very exciting and unforgetable. A short documentary on the pilot's life and the art of flying bushplanes is definetly a product of creative genius. Very enjoyable indeed. Here in Sault Ste Marie we visited the locks and the local museum. The first electrically operating lock gates were used in these locks.
After Sault Ste Marie we headed off on our way to wards Marathon stopping only for a beach picnic at Batchawana Bay. This is located almost half way between The East and the West end of canada.
Marathon where we stayed on the 24th night is a very small place and the only attraction is the Pebble beach where we spent few minutes on the 25th morning to marvel at the natural beauty.
And now onwards to Thunder Bay.
Renata & Arun

Friday, April 23, 2010

Canada's largest Nickle

Just at the entrance of the Dynamic Earth Museum stands the Canada's largest Nickle coin. We reached to Sudbury after a nice drive from North Bay. 'Dynamic Earth' is an exhibit and museum showing the copper & nickle mining history in Canada from the last century until now.
Very educational indeed. After the Dynamic Earth we headed for the AY jackson look out but finding it closed we visited the nearby waterfall and drove on to Sault Ste Marie. The Algoma country is indeed very picturesque but the slag from Algoma smelters landed us into deep trouble. The GPS directed us to a side road that is being built up using the slag nuggets and following the GPS directions we landed up in a loose slag patch with the front wheels of the car sunken deep and firmly stuck. If it was not for the timely help of a guardian angel named Lee we would probably have still been stuck there instead of being here in a warm room having already had our supper.
Tomorrow we plan to see few points of interest in Sault ste Marie and then head for Marathon.


Renata & Arun

Thursday, April 22, 2010

At North Bay

22nd April

Here we are in Baie d'urfe shopping centre with our friends before starting on our cross Canada trip. at 0830. Driving through Ottawa and Renfrew our first stop was at Pembroke for lunch. We then drove on straight to North Bay. Here we had a nice board walk at King's landing. We then went to Discovery North Bay Museum that is still closed for the winter. It is only 3 deg C and windy but as per the local information it is rather warm for the season as even in May they have snow around here. We also saw a nice exhibit of miniature rail at the Clarion resort after which a Chinese dinner at Momma Poon's was welcome and filling.
Although it is said the early bird catches the worm, for the fear of catching cold, we shall be starting a bit late tomorrow for Sudbury on the way to Sault Ste Marie. where we shall stay overnight.
Renata and Arun

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ready for the trip

"To travel is to possess the world".

20th April 2010


It has been a long planning. We have been routing and re-routing through the road maps and now it is the time to fold the maps, close the tour books, fill up the gas tank and hit the long winding road to the pacific shores.

Thursday 22nd April at 8 a.m. is the time when we fasten our seat belts for this trip. Starting from Beaconsfield and driving through Ottawa and Pembroke, our first night stop is planned at North Bay/Ontario. Our outbound trip will take us through Sault Ste Marie, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Regina, Brooks, Banff, Kelowna, Vancouver and then to Victoria on the Vancouver Island. After a few days rest we shall be crossing to USA at Port Angeles, and drive through Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Billings, Rapid City, Sioux Falls, Minneapolis, Marinette, Bay City, Detroit, Windsor, London, Toronto and finally back to home sweet home in Beaconsfield.

We shall update this blog whenever possible during our trip. Please visit our blog and post any comments.

Renata & Arun